Friday, August 31, 2007

A bit more on how beauty is perceived in our culture.

I wanted to add a bit more to my post about the stereotypes society places on who is and what is beautiful, and the show that Oprah did relating to it. I am currently working parttime in a local Cnaberra school, and everytime I walk into a classroom or down a hall way, I am confronted by students who are trying to fit in to a certain image. Okay, not all students do and many express their individuality, but so many are trying to find where they fit in, in this school community environment. On top of that they are bomarded by what "society" believes is beautiful and desirable- from magazines, television, other students, advertisments at the local shopping centre, the almost pornographic music video clips (a pet hate of mine), I could go on. Most days they come into class and they are happy but every now and then I hear comments as I pass through the room/hall/quad or I notice glances between the "cool" kids and the no so. It saddens me that this notion of what is "beautiful" and "cool" is stopping students from talking and interacting with each other. Very rarely, (especially in one of my classes where this is almost jumping out and hitting me in the face, it is so obvious) do they attempt to break down this wall and talk to one another in class. What can teachers do when they students aren't willing to do so?


Kara said...

thanks Jules, I totally agree. Iam fairly passionate about this issue. How on earth do we break down the idea that if you don't fit in this box you are in the 'outgroup'. Its a sad stereotype that society has created and is quite harmful to childrens self esteem. As humans, I believe we have a need to belong and be accepted, and insead of nuturing individuality and appreciation for difference. We create "ideals" that are basicly impossible to fit into anyway... argh!! gets me so worked up!

beck1411 said...

Good post jules, im from a family of teachers and I discuss these issues with my mum especially who runs a behaviour unit in a high school. I think that educators at all levels have the oppurtunity to begin to break down the stereotypes and prejudices that are often held in our community. i have said many times now (and am probably becoming a broken record) that many of these ideas people have come from a lack of knowledge and people fearing what they dont understand. Children are so impressionable and sadly are just dying to fit in that they will often go along with what the ringleaders have to say despite their own feelings and opinions.
It's a hard task but i think there is a lot that teachers can do to educate students and break up these barriers. i remember in my primary school we didn't get to choose where we sat in class which thinking back now was a great way for us to have to mingle with all the kids in the class instead of sticking with our 'click'. This also stopped the 'less popular' (i hate all these terms) being left out and further segregated.
i did some quick research on the net and found a outline of a progrqam for teaching kids and stereotypes and prejudice. Thought I would attatch the link and see what you think.

Thanks Beck

beck1411 said...

sorry about that jules im not sure why it wont work. I can't work out how to put a hyper link in a comment ( feeling technically challenged) here is the address if it doesnt work again let me know and ill put a hyperlink to it on my blog (that i can manage)

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